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Besso Grimme Insurance Brokers GmbH
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Pilot disability insurance
Pilot income protection coverage for cockpit and crew members (PIP)

This insurance cover applies to all cockpit and crew members up to the age of 60.

Unlike loss of licence insurance, pilot disability insurance is activated when a pilot is no longer able to work as a pilot, temporarily or permanently, because of an accident or illness and his/her income decreases or disappears as a result of this.

The insurer will pay the previously agreed monthly benefits for up to 60 months (five years), until the pilot returns to work or reaches the maximum age in the table after an elimination period of up to 180 days. If the pilot is assigned to other jobs (such as office work) in the meantime, he/she will receive 85% of the agreed monthly benefits.

The insurer will set a maximum monthly amount in advance (such as € 1,000, € 2,000 or € 3,000),

PIP cover guarantees a highly flexible and affordable service for flight staff.